Commodore 64 - Classic Computer
Released: 1982 Company : Commodore Is it any good? It’s seen by many as the ultimate 80’s computer. The C64 came with a whopping 64K of ram, a screen resolution of 320x200 with 8 selectable colours from a palette of 16. The 8581 (SID) sound chip was very sophisticated for the time, and very popular for both MIDI and programming on a budget. Noticeable flaws were with the attribute system. It placed minor limitations on a number of colours displayable within any 8x8 pixel square. Despite this, the 64 is still an excellent games machine. Killer titles include Commando, Bounder, Ghosts & Goblins, Green Beret, Wizball, Sentinel, Bubble Bobble, Armalyte, Creatures, IK+ and many many more. A chap called 'Chris Abbott released 'Back in time compilations many years back, and since then many people have dedicated their time and support in order to insure the SID chips survival. All can be found at ...