Super Star Wars - Classic Inspection

Developer: Sculptured Software, Lucas Arts Released: 1992 Star Wars is old skool... As old skool as a massive ruler straight to the back of the hand. In the late 70’s, early 80’s… Star Wars: A New Hope acquired iconic status in popular culture. It seems as if everyone was touched by the force, and Yoda. From it came advancements in sound, Special effects and the video game studio, Lucasarts. Lucasarts are solely responsible for some of the best (and worst) games from a galaxy far, far away. But what game could possibly stand alongside such a great movie? Well; none really, but Super Star Wars on the SNES at least mimicked the film, and captured its essence, a teeny bit. Super Star Wars first appeared on the NES console. The SNES version is basically a remake of the classic NES release from 1991, only this time with more scum and villainy. The SNES version was voted best action game of 1992. And the game is widely considered one of the best movie to game conver...