AMSOFT - Classic Moments

You might not have heard of Amsoft, but you might be familiar with some of their games. As a kid, I had an Amstrad CPC; it was of immeasurable importance to me. I still remember peering through the window of Dixons , past the disorganised arrangement of goods, situated between a Commodore 64 and ZX Spectrum, was the Amstrad CPC. It stared straight back at me with its large colour screen and towered above its competitors. This machine's primary function was not intended to be gaming, but Renegade, Operation Wolf, ChaseHQ, Wec-le-mans and Robocop soon changed that! The Amstrad came with a hefty amount of free software, which included Harrier Attack, Sultan's Maze, Roland on the Ropes, and a handful of US Gold classics, thrown in as an extra incentive to buy this machine. My cousin and I spent hours with Harrier Attack, although we had hoped it'd been a two player game! I'd fly hard, low, and fast, bombing a string of hi-rise buildings, before rejoining the fleet. T...