
Showing posts with the label Vespertino

Ten Games to Play While Waiting for Vespertino

From Continental Circus: Chase HQ to Fire Tyre, here are some suggestions to keep Amstrad CPC racing fans occupied until Verspertino’s release! In 2019, Batman Group teased us with a sneak peek of their upcoming racing game — Vespertino. It shook the Amstrad community to its very core. Better still it will be released in two versions, a 128K disk version or a cartridge version that will cram everything it can into an 8bit. Vespertino is currently in transit, with the hope that we will see a 2021 release and will offer full compatibility across all CPC range of computers.  This year as part of the CPC 64k Retro Dev 2020 competition, CNGSoft released a game called Fire Tyre for the Amstrad CPC. Harkening back to the truly classic racers of old, it was intended as the spiritual successor to the arcade game Pole Position. Fire Tyre exceeded Amstrad owners expectations, proving to the community that there was a demand for traditional, racing games with classic gameplay and refreshe...