C4CPC 3D Cartridge Quick Guide

My #‎C4CPC Blank Cartridge cover arrived today, on my Birthday. Total cost £10, but that's because postage is really high. I had to file a few things down to get it to fit, but on the whole, it's a worthwhile project, and to say I'm happy with it, is an understatement. None of this would have been possible, without the help of the guys from the CPC Community. 

So, you want a 3D Cartridge to house your C4CPC, well, the best place to get started, is head over to CPCwiki, there you will find a page with a complete list of games and applications that are available, and any new developments in the design, or update for the C4CPC cart. 

Games available, can be found at: 

Information on the 3D Design of the cart can be found here:


The above links will help to get you started, and the second link, at the beginning of the topic, provides details for the 3D design download you'll need to submit to the 3D Printer. 

These are the files you'll need, two separate files need submitting for top and bottom design. 


This is the direct download link, but not sure it will work from here: 

another link here:

Once you've got everything you need, here's a special offer below, so your first print is free:  

Word of warning! Not all 3D printers are the same, quality and accuracy of the printer can cause problems.

I love 3D Hubs. Use my referral link to get $10 for your first 3D print!http://3dhubs.refr.cc/RQR86JT via @3dhubs


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