Remembering David Lawson, one of the founding fathers of the UK games industry

All good things must come to an end, even for early pioneers of the UK computer and video games industry. We lost Sir Clive Sinclair in September, and now David. What we can still cherish is the legacy and memories these early visionaries gave us through computer and console TV entertainment. I feel very lucky to have grown up during the late 70's and early 80's. Everything felt extreme back then, the clothes, the hair, music and the hundreds of blockbuster movies. All the while computer and videogames were quietly going about there business, until the likes of Imagine that is. Later came an even big splash from Ocean Software, but quietly so when compared to the material obsessed yuppies of the decade.   

Cecil Rhodes once said, "To be born English is to win first prize in the lottery of life." But to have worked within the computer and videogames industry during the 1980's and help shape it, surely that is the ultimate icing on the cake.  

R.I.P David Lawson       

Remembering David Lawson, one of the founding fathers of the UK games industry •


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