Classic Replay - Sega Nomad

What is it? 

Feeling nostalgic for the golden days of the Mega Drive? Before Nintendo's Game Boy ruled the scene, there was Sega's Nomad—the Mega Drive that (almost) fit in your pocket. Only released in America, the Nomad was a portable version of Sega's 16-bit masterpiece. It was about the size of a chunky paperback book and heavier than your average Harry Potter novel.

This pocket-sized powerhouse let you play Genesis (US Mega Drive) games on the go, with its six-button controller, a port for an external second controller, two AV outputs, a large built-in 3-inch colour screen, and the option to plug it into your TV at home. The only downside? It couldn't accommodate your beloved 32X and Sega peripherals. But hey, being able to play Toki on the toilet? Totally worth it!

Why you should want one

Genesis cartridges, including most UK and Japanese ones with an adapter, are still easily accessible and won't break the bank.

Games you really should get

From Ghouls 'n Ghosts, Rocket Knight Adventure, and Alien Soldier to the iconic Sonic and Thunder Force series, the unforgettable Gunstar Heroes, Toejam and Earl, EA's Strike series...or practically anything crafted by Sega, Treasure, or Capcom.

Where to get one

I always start with eBay - it's a great place to begin and you can usually score one for around £180 to £250, often bundled with a game or two. If that doesn't work out, check out car boot sales, retro gaming events, specialty shops, or Facebook pages dedicated to the Sega Nomad.

Come here, there's more... 

Though the Nomad was exclusively released in the US, Japan had its own unique handheld Mega Drive: the Mega Jet. This device was designed for use on Japanese airline flights. The Mega Jet had a built-in screen and plugged into an LCD TV that flipped out from the armrest.

Sega Megajet

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