Limited Edition Sega Mega Drive with SD Slot

In a surprising turn of events, Sega has authorised TecToy to bring back their classic Sega Megadrive console in limited edition form. Brazil is the first place the console will be launched, and TecToy are already taking orders. It looks exactly like the classic design of the 90s original, only this time includes an SD Card slot and 22 (allegedly) unforgettable games. TecToy are calling it an 'historic moment' "...but what do you think? Is Sega simply cashing in? Or is this great news for Sega fans?".  

Personally, I will probably end up buying one given the chance. I know there's lots of other more affordable alternatives, such as the 'EverDrive', 'Raspberry Pie' and the 'PC' for emulation, but for me you can't beat an original lump of plastic, and that is exactly what this is, with an SD Card bolted on.  

For more information... See below link or watch launch trailer


  1. If it is an actual real megadrive made to the specs of one of the old ones with an SD slot in it then thats very cool, if its a megadrive on a chip deal like the Blaze units and it has an SD slot then its a waste of time, thats my oppinion.


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