How about a new Dizzy arcade adventure?

How a new Dizzy game might look on the Amstrad CPC...
I’ve always thought that the Dizzy series, when taken in its entirety, is as wonderful, wacky and varied as anything you see in a Sonic or Mario adventure. But our egg-headed friend desperately needs a comeback, and a Mario game mixed with the speed of a Sonic adventure might just be the ticket to bring Dizzy kicking and screaming back from the success of the 80's. Dizzy is a sleeping giant; why can't Codies see this? He should be up there with Sonic and Mario in terms of brand and mascot; it's almost criminal to keep him under wraps like this.

Now for the weird part...

He could be revived on the Amstrad CPC, the true home of Dizzy. He could use the Amstrad’s hardware scroll, as seen in Killer Cobra - look at the speed that game runs at! Now just imagine replacing the main sprite with an egg, then force upon him the laws of gravity, stick a rocket up his arse and watch him go. I can just see him now, rolling, bouncing and jumping to collect items, just as we see in a Sonic or Mario game, only this time in Dizzy's world, accompanied by family, friends and fellow egg heads, he could even fire yoke!

Why limit things to 64K? All of the game music and sounds effects from the previous series could be introduced; the smoother R3 techniques, as described above, to accompany the wrapped R12 and R13 scroll, could also be included, this would basically reduce the CRTC char by half. In other words, you can tweak the 6845 video registers, I've never done it, but apparently it's easily done and there are lots of examples, that have already been put together, of code where you can grab and drop the scroll routine into emulation and see it play out before your very eyes, I’ve seen it first hand. Richard Aplin (Fly Spy and Shinobi programmer) recently commented on a Killer Cobra YouTube video uploaded by Xyphoe. In the comments section, Aplin explains that the scroll is easy, but the sprite placement is where things prove tricky.

In my book, speed is power, no matter how badly conceived, and Killer Cobra goes like the clappers, clearly demonstrating that the hardware scrolling could be more than a match for a game where speed is the essence. But who knew a machine from 1984 harnessed this ability? The programmers of Killer Cobra, that's who?

This would surely make a great crowd funder?


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